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Ivy League

We're a team of

Our job is to get you into
your dream schools.

There are hundreds of college consulting companies.

Here's why IvyLine exists.


After being admitted to top colleges like Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale and Columbia, we all had one thing in common.

It wasn't our test scores.

It wasn't our class rankings.

It wasn't even our extracurriculars.

We understood that college admissions have changed in the past few years

“How can I guarantee that my application will stand out?”

Our answer lies in authenticity and impact. With so many students pursuing similar activities, admissions officers are looking for students with genuine curiosity and interests. They seek students who have the potential to create a meaningful impact on the world. 

Here's how we boost your application to the next level

Our team will work closely with students to ensure basic requirements are met for college admissions: outstanding grades, competitive test scores, and strong leadership positions.

Our strength lies in fostering excellence and creating impact. We will hone in on a student's key interests and help take them to the next level. Enjoy science? We will create specific pathways for you to achieve national recognition in the scientific community.

Finally, we will help you tell your story. We want to show your authentic self. Through captivating essays, we will help colleges understand you. Want to write about your Debate Team or Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality? We've got you covered.

IvyLine College Consulting

What you can expect from us.

Nurturing passions to a competitive level

Analyzing application strengths and weaknesses

Crafting exceptional essays that showcase your authentic self

Learning from accomplished students

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A team accepted into:


Our Mentality

Most college consulting firms prioritize your application. Our firm asks: "How do we prioritize you, the applicant, for college and greater success?"


We believe that each student has the power to influence the world, and that a byproduct of our process is admission into top universities


We aren't admissions officers, nor AP Literature teachers. Our expertise lies in helping students achieve excellence by pursuing high-impact activities.

Be Bold

Most students limit themselves to conventional activities to gain admission. We challenge this approach and ask: "Why not pursue what you love and do it with excellence?"


College admissions is an unfair game. We believe that understanding how to navigate the game is half the battle. We are here to ensure you approach the game with confidence.


Our team is dedicated to shaping the next generation of leaders, creators, and innovators. In our eyes, your greatest asset is your ambition and potential.

Many Ivy-league admits don't spend a penny on traditional college counselors, while others who invest thousands in admission services receive rejections. Clearly, there is something missing. So what is it?

There's a disconnect in the status quo.

They are artificial.

Most college consulting firms fail to adapt to the new era of college admissions. They dictate what students should write their application essays about, which extracurriculars they should take part in, and tell them to always take the hardest, most stressful classes possible. They also regularly change which schools their students apply to, often for the sake of protecting the company’s success statistics. It is a system created by adult counselors who have not experienced college campuses in decades.


You need the right environment. We talked to hundreds of Ivy-league students and IvyLine is here to create an environment where your bar of excellence is constantly being pushed. Why play the "college game" only for results? Why not deepen your passions and create change in the process? 

That’s why we founded IvyLine: to help students become accomplished, impressive, and memorable applicants while maintaining their authentic selves.

How Our Founding Team Proves Our Method

Meet Sam Chen from Boston, Massachusetts

Sam didn't have traditional advantages. Neither of his parents attended a top college. He didn't spend a dime on college admissions. What he did have, however, was a community that constantly pushed him. 

Sam used the IvyLine Method. Joining the debate team in 7th grade, Sam joined out of curiosity. It became his favorite thing, and quickly snowballed into an activity where he excelled. By pursuing what he enjoyed with excellence rather than what society told him, Sam became a 9x National Qualifier, ranked Top 6 in the Nation, and a community leader.

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What the IvyLine Impact looks like. Compared to students who were told what to do, Sam focused on becoming the best of the best at one thing. He became a member of the National Speech and Debate Association Student Advisory Board, representing 120,000+ debaters; He collaborated with organizations like the Coolidge Foundation and the American Speech and Debate Association, and created tournaments and camps that have impacted more than a thousand debaters globally.

Every single one of our founding members has a similar "IvyLine" story. Learn more here.

Curious to learn more about the strategies that have made us successful?


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